It's the Fab Yoga Challenge and we're focusing on how your yoga practice makes you feel. Each day we focus on a word and share a pose that we attribute to it. There's no wrong way to do it:) The words are: Balanced, Flexible, Strong, Empowered, Beautiful, Relaxed, and Fabulous.

I'm wearing my Cappuccino set from Vayumudra because nothing makes me feel more fabulous than practicing in a comfortable, neutral set.

Here are my 7 poses

Lizard Pose for Balanced

Lizard Pose

Shoelace Pose for Flexible

Shoelace Pose

Malasana Toe Stand Variation for Strong

Toe Stand Pose

Hero Pose for Empowered

Hero Pose

King Pigeon Pose for Beautiful

King Pigeon Pose

Reclined Butterfly Pose for Relaxed

Reclined Butterfly Pose

Mermaid Pose for Fabulous

Mermaid Pose